Clean Fresh Healthy Microgreens
Henza Garden is a small-scale, home operated microgreen micro-farm! All of my microgreens are grown in my small green house in my back yard. My microgreens are hand-grown from strictly non-GMO, organic seeds planted in organic soil. No pesticides or chemicals are used at all. No artificial lights or fans, so there's minimal carbon footprint. Just pure natural sunshine, wind, and water. Many precautions are taken to ensure a sanitary environment during growth, harvesting, packaging, handling, and transportation to you! My microgreens are harvested the day before delivery, so they are fresh fresh fresh! Not to mention packed full of nutrition, pound for pound up to 40x more than full grown veggies! That's a great boost to your immune system! Microgreens are so simple and fun to eat. They're a quick and yummy way to increase your intake of greens. You can put them on just about anything and everything; soup, salad, sandwiches, burgers, burritos, tacos, omelettes, beans & rice, BBQ, even smoothies and desserts!

Lianne Neptune, Owner & Grower
Follow me and my urban farming adventures on Instagram @HenzaGarden_microgreens